Physical Documents to be Sent After ScribOrder Transfer
[QAM TIS-W029 5.1 the definitive source for requirements and will have more specific requirements]
This is a quick reference to which physical records need to be mailed after completing a ScribOrder transfer.
Intended Audience
- School Office Specialists (SOS)
- Registrars
- Office Managers (OMs)
- School Records Managers
- After fulfilling the ScribOrder transfer request with electronic records from Synergy, mail the required physical records to the requestor.
- Print ScribOrder request to include with physical files.
- The following records are to be mailed after ScribOrder transfer is complete:
Confidential envelope (Red)
- Copy contents.
- Mail original documents.
- Create new envelope for copies to remain at SKPS within the remaining student cumulative (CML) file.
- Write or stamp COPY on the envelope that is remaining with SKPS.
504 folder (Yellow)
- Mail entire folder - do not make copies.
- Talented and Gifted (TAG) folder (Green) or (Purple)
- Purple folder being phased out to only green folder.
- Mail entire folder - do not make copies.
English Language Learner Profile (ELLP) folder (Blue)
- Mail entire folder - do not make copies.
Special Education (SpEd) folder (Brown accordion)
- Remove contents and mail to requestor.
- Keep empty accordion file and tabs at SKPS within the CML file.
Legal Documents folder (not contained in the confidential envelope) (Manilla)
- Mail entire folder - do not make copies.
- Health Folder
- Mail entire folder - do not make copies.
- Records from previous school districts
- Package files into the appropriately sized manilla envelope for the number of records being sent.
- Address envelope to the requestor with return address of your school and send via USPS mail.
- Enter into Synergy Request Tracking the records have been sent via physical mail.
- Fill out Records Transfer Form and send physical CML with remaining documents to the Student Records Department via inter-office mail.
Additional Help
If you've completed the above steps and still need assistance, please let us know by submitting a ticket.
Location and Management
- Many active/current records are now stored in Synergy.
- Inactive/older records or current records already in physical form are stored in the physical student cumulative (CML) folder.
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