K-12 Records Transfer Requests in ScribOrder
This is a step-by-step guide to processing a student records request in ScribOrder.
- Process request using Microsoft Edge (for both Synergy and ScribOrder browser windows), Google Chrome is known to crop records during export.
- Login to ScribOrder. (ScribOrder Login Guide)
- Check the My Orders tab and the Unassigned tab to check for open requests and select the blue order number to access the request.
- View the documents requested in Types of Documents(s) Requested and the request date in Order Received.
- Scroll down to find the requestor information section to find information needed to fill out the request tracking in Synergy.
- Before processing the request, confirm you have the physical student CML file. If you do not have the file, Move Order to who does after checking the student's enrollment history in Synergy.
- Print a copy of the ScribOrder request to attach to the physical records to be mailed.
- Using Microsoft Edge, login to Synergy and pull up the student's profile.
- In the Quick Launch search bar use the code REC203 to create a report for exporting the student's records.
- To generate the student permanent record, select filters for all records from the Needs and Absence Reasons sections by selecting the checkbox button.
- In the Report Display Options section select the Include SIS Special Education Data drop down under Include Special Education Data and select the first three boxes below.
- Select the blue Print button at the top of the page to run the export.
- From the generated report screen, Print the documents to export choosing your ScribOrder cloud printer.
- Next, go back to Student Profile in Synergy and click on the Menu dropdown and Open Data Warehouse Student Profile to generate the Student Profile to attach to the ScribOrder.
- Click on the floppy disk Save icon and choose the PDF option.
- Once the PDF has been generated, Print the PDF to export and choose your ScribOrder cloud printer.
- Next, use the code IDS201 to create a report for exporting the student’s discipline records.

To generate the student discipline profile, select Show Full History and Show Incident Description under the Filters section.

- Select the blue Print button at the top of the page to run the export.
- From the generated report screen, Print the documents to export choosing your ScribOrder cloud printer.
- For Secondary Only (steps 21-26), in the Quick Launch search bar, type STU204 to pull the student's transcript screen.
- For Middle School Only select Middle School Transcript under the Transcript Options section and select Print.
- Once the PDF has been generated, Print the PDF to export and choose your ScribOrder cloud printer.
- For High School Only select High School Transcript under the Transcript Options section, and select the Jr. High School checkbox under the Suppress Test Types section and select Print.
- Once the PDF has been generated and credits have been verified by the High School Registrar, Print the PDF to export and choose your ScribOrder cloud printer.
- Send the Unofficial High School Transcript via ScribOrder electronically, and physically print, for the registrar to emboss, and sign an Official High School Transcript and mail via USPS to the requesting school.
- Next, on the Student screen, in the Documents tab, select all other records necessary for transfer and select Print to your ScribOrder cloud printer again. Be sure to send only academically necessary documents (QAM TIS-W029 5.1).

- English Language Development (ELD) Placement
- Health Management Plan (HMP)
- Sports Physical Exams
- In-District Transfers (IDTs)
- Term 3 Elementary Progress Reports (EPRs) for each year, unless only term 1 or 2 available for the current academic year
- Language Use Survey (if Language Use Survey isn't found in the Documents Tab follow the directions for Adding Language Use Survey, or type OLR Language Use Survey in the Quick Launch search bar)
- Oregon State Assessment Report (all)
- Education Rights Form
- Once the PDF has been generated, Print the PDF to export and choose your ScribOrder cloud printer.
- If your requests includes 504 or Special Education Records, follow these instructions (ScribOrder - Instructions for Special Education or 504 Requests). Do not approve the order request, move the order to the Student Records Department to complete the order.
- In ScribOrder, select your Print Queue tab to access your exported student records and select Attach.

- Select the Attach button on the queue to attach your exported records. Name your file and select Attach to this Order.
- After attaching the appropriate documents to the request, verify the attached records are correct and, select the Sign and Send dropdown on each document, and select Applicant.
- Send the requestor their expiring link to access the attached records by selecting the Send Link button. No need to add a message in the message box.
- Physical records to send that are not already available electronically, prepare and send to the requestor via mail, and include printed ScribOrder Request for confirmation to the requestor. (QAM TIS-W029 5.1 ; Physical Documents to be Sent After ScribOrder Transfer).
- Return to Synergy. In the student's course history screen input the tracking information from the ScribOrder request in the Request Tracking tab. You can find the data to enter in the Requestor Information section of the ScribOrder request (step 6 of this guide).
- Select the Add Wizard button (for K-12 schools only) under the correct requestor type and enter the required information fields highlighted in green. Be sure to add tracking for each Delivery Type, if it was provided physically or digitally via ScribOrder (a more detailed guide on entering the request tracking can be found here). Tracking must be entered for both physical mail and electronic ScribOrder processing.
- In the Person Released To section, add the person who has made the request. When delivered by physical mail, add a brief description of what was released (i.e. Sandra Lee - SpEd, ELL, TAG).
- Next, in ScribOrder select the green Approve Request button to complete the task. This will ensure it is marked as fulfilled and leave the queue.
- After selecting Approve Request, use the email templates available in the approval email to provide direction on how to access the type of request.
- Then select Approve to complete the request.
Additional Help
If you've completed the above steps and still need assistance, please let us know by submitting a ticket.