Physical Documents to keep in the Student Health Folder
[QAM TIS-W031 3.1.4 is the definitive source for requirements and will have more specific requirements included]
This is a quick reference guide to which records are stored in a physical student Health Folder (MarketDirect #459965). This guide is specific to hard-copy physical folders to prepare for transfer to another school or district, or to the SKPS Student Records Department after student separation.
Records Contained in Student Health Folder
- Immunization forms containing original signatures or immunization forms from other school districts (unsigned blank forms, signed blank forms, and photocopies/printouts that are entered into Synergy can be shredded).
- Dental screening
- Vision screening
- Sports physical form
- Doctor's notes/order pertaining to long-term circumstances (i.e.: seizures, medications taken during school hours on a regular basis, etc.)
- Daily Medication Administration Records (DMAR)
- Pupil Medical Records (PMR)
- Asthma Treatment Plan, signed by healthcare provider
- Severe allergy and anaphylaxis emergency care plan, signed by healthcare provider
- Self-medication agreement, signed by parent, student, prescriber, and administrator
Records that should not be printed and physically stored in the Student Health Folder
- Short term Doctor notes
- Health Management Plan (HMP)
- Birth Certificates

Location and Management
- Many active/current records are now stored in Synergy
- Inactive/older records or current records already in physical form are stored in the physical student cumulative (CML) folder
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