What do I do with a records request in Scrib for a student not enrolled in my school?
Check enrollment history to see if enrolled elsewhere in the district, if so, then move order to school enrolled and communicate to the Registrar so they are aware.  If the student is not enrolled in the district, move order to the Student Records Management Team (Megan Steele or Deborah Buzan) and communicate to the one you move the order to so they are aware.
How do outside school districts request records via Scrib?
Direct requestor to visit salkeizor.scriborder.com and the Scrib order icon.  They will set up an account, which only needs to be done the first time.  They will then receive an email once the verification process is complete.  They can then start submitting records requests.  Once they receive the email notification that processing is complete, they will then need to log-in to download the student record they requested.  Any SpEd, ELL, TAG, Confidential and 504 original paperwork, will be mailed to them via USPS.
Here is a letter with Scrib instructions that you can also send to outside school districts via fax or email:  Scrib Instructions Letter
How do I request student records from other schools in the district?
Records are requested via email, among schools in the district, providing only the first and last initial of the student and the student i.d. number. If you are requesting records directly from Student Records, please also include year of birth in the email.  Scrib, is only used for schools that are outside of our district.
How does a parent/guardian make a student records request?
Direct them to salkeizor.scriborder.com to make all requests.  Be sure and direct them to the student icon (current or former student will be stated below the icon).  Also when processing requests, be sure the parent/guardian that is requesting, has educational rights in Synergy before filling request.  If a parent is requesting behavior records, these are not academic in nature, so the parent/guardian needs to make an appointment with your Administrator instead of making a request through Scrib. It is important to note that if a student or former student is 18 years or older the request needs to come from the student themselves and not the parent.
What do I do with a Disability Determination Services questionnaire that comes in the mail or fax?
These are time-sensitive documents.  Please send to Student Records, via inter-district mail, as soon as possible so we can process them.
What do I do with a subpoena?
It is of the upmost importance that these are sent to Student Records promptly.  These have strict legal deadlines and also involve our district legal team.
What do I do if a requestor for student records refuses to use Scrib?
Kindly and firmly state that this is how ALL records requests are processed throughout the district.  Explain that the time it takes to set up an account in Scrib is about the same time as it takes to fill out a cover sheet that one would use for faxing.  This analogy can be helpful for them to be able to put it in perspective that the process isn’t lengthy and the account set-up is only done the first time they use Scrib.  You can also explain that this allows the requestor to obtain the documents in a quick way, as well as, protecting our students.  If you are still experiencing pushback with the requestor, please send them to Student Records and we will assist them in using Scrib.
How do I update the School Points of Contact on Sharepoint?
Permissions are given to the Office Manager of each school to keep this updated. You will need communicate with your OM to be sure they are aware of any changes/updates that need to be made.  All Scrib trained personnel, that is not an OM, can request to have access for viewing only permissions from the site.
What do I do with the remaining CML file after I have transferred records to the outside district?
You need to send the remaining CML to Student Records for archiving.  If the student had a SpEd file, you need to also send the empty brown accordion file, along with the tabbed dividers to Student Records.
What do I do with any existing Birth Certificates, Copies of Passports or Driver’s License, and proofs of residence which may include electric bills, mortgage or rent info, that I find in a student’s CML?
All of them must be shredded confidentially. You can double check that verification of birth certificate is marked in Synergy, prior to shredding.  ALWAYS be sure to go through file before sending a CML file to a school whether in district our out, this is very important to ensure the documents that need to be shredded are pulled and destroyed prior to the file leaving your possession.
I cannot locate a CML file that I should have and have already checked with other schools and Student Records to see if they have it.  What do I do?
If CML appears lost, you will need to make a duplicate CML file and mark as duplicate on the outside of the CML.  If you have any questions, reach out to Student Records.
What do I do if a school requesting SpEd records legitimately needs them faster than waiting for them to be sent USPS, for the sake of the student?

You may reach out to Student Records and explain the reason for the requestor’s urgency.  Student Records can then send the student’s most current IEP electronically through their Scrib Order, while they are waiting for the physical copies that are being sent by you.

What do I do if I get a verification of graduation request from an outside entity?
These requestors are to be sent to salkeizor.scriborder.com and select the briefcase icon.  There is a 15.00 fee through Scrib.  We do not provide graduation verification via phone, fax, mail or email.
However, in this instance there is an exception to the rule. If the outside entity is Oregon Department of Corrections, or the Military, or any state or local government agency we will fill out their forms they send to us in the mail/fax/email.  Please send these forms to Student Records via inter-district mail in a timely manner or forward the email to student_records@salkeiz.k12.or.us.
*If you are in doubt as to what category the requestor falls in, always refer them to Student Records 503.399.5535 and we are happy to discuss their individual needs with using the Scrib process and the fees associated with it.
How do I know what documents to send for a Scrib Transfer records request?
The Scrib Transfer Checklist is found on the Student Records website under the Scrib series section.  There are also instructions on what documents, if in the CML file,  are pdf icon sent physically by USPS to the requestor’s location after completing a Scrib Transfer request.  
What do I do if the requestor for Scrib doesn’t speak English for their first language?
If you can, explain that they can change the language on their screen in Scrib, to their native language.  To do this, they need to go to the ‘Select Language’ field, which can be found at the top right of the page next to the word Google.  It has a drop-down menu for them to select their language.  If you are unable to explain this process to them, see if you can obtain their name and phone number and their native language.  You can then contact Language Services 503.399.3456 and have them reach out to the requestor.  Let Language Services know, what the native language is for the requestor and that they will need to ask name of student and birthdate, what it is they are needing, and name and address to where we will be sending the documents requested to.
Where do I send students that are requesting a copy of their GED?
They need to go to GED.com to make this request.
How long does it take for a requestor to receive an official high school transcript in the mail once they have received the email from?
Generally, this takes 5 to 10 business days depending on where the transcripts are being mailed to.