Instructions For Military Recruitment Form Submitted in ScribOrder Summary This guide is intended to outline which sections of the Military Recruitment form are able to be filled out and submitted by SKPS staff. Intended Audience High School Registrars Office Managers (OMs) School Records Managers Steps Receive a ScribOrder request from a military recruitment agency under the Legal/Subpoena type request form with an attached "Request for Reference" form, indicated by red flag to the left of the request number. The uploaded document can be found under Documents private to Order Detail near the bottom of the page. Select the expand arrows to view the attachment. Select the link to the attachment to download or view the form. Print form and fill out requested information. Do not fill out any of the information in the red boxes, as these are not objective questions we can answer. Scan the filled out form and upload into the ScribOrder request for the requestor. Upload the document and select Sign and Send. In the pop up window, select Send Link. On the main request page, select Approve Request. In the approval email popup, select Military Form Completed in the Apply Template dropdown. Add your signature and select Approve to complete the request. Enter the request data in the student's Synergy Request Tracking under Student Course History. Additional Help If assistance is still needed after completing the above steps, please let TIS know by submitting a ticket.