Unable to Locate a Missing Student Cumulative (CML) File
This guide is intended to provide instruction for schools when unable to locate a student cumulative (CML) file for a student records request.
Intended Audience
- School Office Specialists
- Registrars
- Office Managers
- Student Records Managers fulfilling student records requests
If you are unable to locate a student cumulative (CML) file, follow these steps:
- Search Person Search in Synergy and look at the student's most current enrollment.
- Type "person search" into the Synergy search bar.
- Search student by available information such as: name, SIS number, or date of birth and check the box next to "Student."
- Select "Student Profile" button in the search results.
- Review "Enrollment History" to determine where the student last attended.
- If the student is found to be located at another school within our district, Move Order from your ScribOrder queue to the correct school or to the Student Records Department and inform the registrar or Student Records that the ScribOrder request has been transferred.
- If you are unable to locate the record, and should have the file in your possession, contact the Student Records Department to search within the archived student records and Move Order from your ScribOrder queue to the Student Records Department queue.
- The Student Records Department will take over the request and respond to the requestor accordingly.
Additional Help
If assistance is still needed after completing the above steps, please let TIS know by submitting a ticket.