Documents To Keep In The Talented and Gifted (TAG) Folder
This is a quick guide to the physical student records stored within the green TAG folder found within a student physical cumulative (CML) folder.
Intended Audience
- Elementary School Office Specialists (SOS)
- Middle School Registrars
- Office Managers (OMs)
- School Records Managers
All Talented and Gifted (TAG) folders are to be labeled with the following information (see example image below):
- Student Last Name, Student First Name
- Student ID Number
- The correct identification area (found in Synergy) (i.e., Math, Reading and/or IQ)
- Date
- Any associated notes (if not qualified, label here)
- TAG Identified check-marked, if qualified
- TAG folder contents should include:
- A TAG Finalized Decision:
- A TAG Instructional Plan, if the student qualifies:
- TAG Folders are to be kept in student's physical cumulative (CML) folder (QAM TIS-W031).
- If you have any TAG related questions, please contact TAG Services:
Additional Help
If assistance is still needed after completing the above steps, please let TIS know by submitting a ticket.