FERPA Rights for Deceased Students
This article discusses the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) rights delegation for deceased students.
Intended Audience
- School Office Specialists
- Registrars
- Office Managers
- Student Records Managers fulfilling student records requests
If the Deceased Student is "Eligible" (over 18 years of age):
- FERPA rights "expire" with the death of the student, so anyone can request those records and there is no violation of FERPA in disclosure.
- With a request of an eligible student's death, proof of death is required in fulfilling the request.
If the Deceased Student is a Minor (under 18 years of age):
- If a student passes away while still a minor, the FERPA rights belong to the parent, not the student, so they don’t expire upon the student’s death. They remain with the parents until the parents' death.
Additional Help
If you've completed the above steps and still need assistance, please let us know by submitting a ticket.