Navigating ParentVUE
Summary here
Intended Audience
- Parents/Legal Guardians
- School Staff
Navigating ParentVUE on the computer
- Go to Synergy ParentVUE and select ParentVUE.
Enter your username and password to login.
- On the left side of the main screen, you will see the navigation menu.

- When focused to Home you will see a list of students enrolled and the school each student is enrolled at as well as school notifications.
On the top left corner, you can use the arrow to select which student you want to see the information for.
- Messages, Calendar, Grade Book, Course History and Report Card will give you information shared by teachers;
Messages will show emails about missing work, conferences, etc.
Calendar will show assignments and events. You can select to view specific classes, assignment types and assignment status. You can see when an assignment is due, if it is missing or if the teacher has entered a score.
Grade Book will show current grades per class. You can also email the teacher by selecting the envelope icon and see the current number of missing assignments.

- Select the class name for assignment details. You can select to view assignment information for specific classes, see missing assignments, and upcoming assignments.
Course history will show all of your student's courses/classes history and progress towards graduation requirements, such as graduation status, test requirements, class rank/GPA and students course history (classes and grades student has taken for middle school and high school).
Graduation Status will show diploma type, GPA, what is required to graduate by subject area as well as credits required, completed in progress and remaining. Note: you will need to turn on Detail to be able to see all of the information.
Test Requirements will show tests required to graduate and if the test has been taken, passed or not passed. Note: you will need to turn on Detail to see more information.
Student Course History contains all of your student's course/classes history and progress towards graduation requirements. You can view the information by school name, grade, year, term, course type or all. Note: you will need to turn on Detail to be able to see all of the information.
- Class Schedule, Attendance, Documents, State Tests, Test History
Class Schedule will show classes that the student is attending, Today will show classes for the current day, Semester will show all classes your student is taking.
Today classes will show classes the student is attending for the current day. If the school has A day and B day it will show on the class schedule as well.
Semester 1 will show all the classes the student is assigned to for the semester selected. Note: If you select a focus and it shows Class schedule data not available for this school, it means the school is in the process of creating student schedules and they will be available when complete.

Attendance will show the date the student was absent, the reason and totals by class. Note: If you turn on Detail it will show each day and the reason for attendance.
Documents will show student report cards, Oregon State Assessment Reports, Forecasting information and Progress Reports. You can filter by document category or search by document name or date. Note: not all students will have all of the items listed to show.
- Student Info, Health and Online Registration will show student information and will allow parents to update student information using Online Registration.
Student Info will show student information, names of persons who can assume temporary responsibility for the student, physician and dentist information, student locker, transportation information and other data such as an elementary password.
Student Information, In case of emergency, Physician and Dentist information, Student locker and combination.
Transportation Information and other data
Health will show any health conditions as well as Immunization information.
Health Condition Summary
Online Registration will show that online registration is open for the school year. You will use this to enroll new students or update student information. Select Online Registration to open the Online Registration portal.
Navigating ParentVUE on Cell phone/App
- Open the ParentVUE App.
- Enter the login information.
- You will see a list of current students enrolled, as well as Messages, Online Registration link, school information and events shared by the school. Select a student to view the information.
- Select from the list of Modules. Each module will have information about the student you selected. To select a different student, you will select Student list or Back on the top left corner of your phone.
- Calendar, Attendance, Grade Book and Class Schedule Modules
Calendar will show assignments and events. You can select to view specific classes, assignment types and assignment status. You can see when an assignment is due, if it is missing or if the teacher has entered a score. If each of the Events is checked, you will be able to see the information. To select a different Module, you will select Back or the name of the module on the top left corner of your phone.
Attendance will show the date the student was absent, the reason and totals by class. Note: If you turn on Detail it will show each day and the reason for attendance. To select a different Module, you will select Back or the name of the module on the top left corner of your phone.
Grade Book will show current grades per class. You can also email the teacher by selecting the envelope icon and see current number of missing assignments. If you select View Course Content, you will be able to see assignment detail information for each class. To select a different Module, you will select Done or the name of the module on the top left corner of your phone.
Course History contains all of student's course/classes history and progress towards graduation requirements. You can view the information by school name, grade, year, term, course type or all. Note: you will need to turn on Detail to be able to see all of the information.
Class Schedule will show what classes the student is attending today. You can select to show Semester/Trimester classes and it will show all classes. If the screen shows blank, schools are working on creating a schedule for the student. To select a different Module, you will select Back or the name of the module on the top left corner of your phone.
- Student Info, Health, Documents, Online Registration and Special Ed/504 Modules
Student Info will show student information, names of persons who can assume temporary responsibility for the student, physician and dentist information, student locker, transportation information and other data such as an elementary password.
Health will show any health conditions as well as Immunization information. Select on each of the items to view the information.
Documents will show student report cards, Oregon State Assessment Reports, Forecasting information and Progress Reports. You can filter by document category or search by document name or date. Note: not all students will have all of the items listed to show.
Online Registration will show that online registration is open for the school year. You will use this link to enroll new students or update student information. Select Online Registration to open the Online Registration portal.
Special Ed/504 will show student documents about Special education and/or 504. Note: not all students will have information in this module, it will only show if the student has an IEP or a 504 Plan.
Additional Help
If you've completed the above steps and still need assistance, please let us know by submitting a ticket.